Lectures in secondary school No. 9 (Krasnozatonsky)

We are always glad not only to attend new educational institutions, but also to conduct lessons in schools with which we have been cooperating for a long time. So, on October 15, the methodists of the Center “Nasledie” went to the secondary school No. 9 (Krasnozatonsky) and held for two 10th grades lectures on the topics: “Biography of Pitirim Sorokin: childhood and student years” and “Biography of Pitirim Sorokin: revolution”.


During the four lessons the schoolchildren got acquainted with two important periods of life and creative work of P. Sorokin.


At the end of lessons, the methodists of the Center were given a pleasant surprise in the form of a thank-you letter from the administration and pedagogical staff of the school for long-term fruitful cooperation.