On October 9, on the eve of the International Scientific Conference «Pitirim Sorokin and paradigms of the global development of the XXIth century» (to the 130th anniversary of his birth), Italian scientists Emiliana Mangone and Cimagalli Folco together with a professor of the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin N.F. Zyuzev visited our Center.
The director of the Center O.Y. Kuzivanova spoke about the activities of the Center, introduced them to volumes from the Collected works of P. Sorokin. A small excursion of the exhibition “From war to Peace: the contribution of the Sorokins to the victory over fascism” was also held for guests. Scientists were especially interested in the journal “Nasledie” which published works by philosophers, sociologists and culturologists dedicated to the creative and scientific heritage of P. Sorokin.