Meeting of the Expert Council of the Center and the Organizing Committee of the II All-Russian Scientific Conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World”

On November 29, 2012, a regular meeting of the Expert Council of the Center and the Organizing Committee of the II All-Russian Scientific Conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World” was held in the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin.


The presentation of the book “Vym Land – the homeland of Pitirim Sorokin”

On April 25, 2012, the presentation of the book “Vym Land – the homeland of Pitirim Sorokin”, prepared and published by the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin was held in the Central Library of Emva.


The presentation of the book “Vym Land – the homeland of Pitirim Sorokin”

On April 25, 2012, in Emva, the presentation of the book “Vym Land – the homeland of Pitirim Sorokin” will take place.


The name of Pitirim Sorokin on the Komi tourist map

In the framework of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World” an application section was organized. 


Scientific conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World”

On March 27-28, 2012, the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World” was held in Syktyvkar. The heritage of the sociologist and the influence of his ideas on sociocultural life were discussed by scientists from the Komi Republic, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk.


Information Letter

The Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin invites students and schoolchildren to participate in the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World”.


The Round Table on the topic “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World”

On February 7, 2012, the Center “Nasledie” after Pititirm Sorokin holds the Round Table on the topic: “Pitirim Sorokin and the Modern World”.


Results of the contest “The life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin”

On January 23-24, 2012, the annual Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Young Researchers to the Komi Republic” was held on the basis of the Syktyvkar State University.


Scientific conference dedicated to P.A. Sorokin

The Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin with the support of the Government of the Komi Republic holds the scientific conference dedicated to the Russian-American sociologist and social thinker, a native of the Komi Land P.A. Sorokin.


Republican contest “The life and creative work of P.A. Sorokin”

The Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin and the Department of History of Russia and Foreign Countries of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Syktyvkar State University announce the holding of the Republican contest “The life and creative work of P.A. Sorokin”.


On August 17, a presentation of publications prepared for the 90th anniversary of the Komi Republic took place

On August 17, the presentation of the publications prepared for the 90th anniversary of the Komi Republic took place in the Finno-Ugric Cultural Center. There were web-site"", multimedia disc “Pitirim Sorokin – an outstanding thinker of the XXth century”, the first issue of the journal “Nasledie” and the book by P. Krotov and A. Dolgov “From war to Peace. To the Origins of P.Sorokin's Creative Altruism”.


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