Sergey Sorokin is 90 years old

April 13 marks the 90th anniversary of Sergey Sorokin, the son of the world-famous sociologist, our countryman Pitirim Sorokin. We sincerely congratulate Sergey Pitirimovich on his anniversary and wish him good health, happiness and creative longevity!



The results of the Republican Olympiad “The life and creative work of P. Sorokin”

On March 31, the Republican Olympiad “The life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin” was held. The organizer was the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin, the co-organizer was the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, on the basis of which the event was held. This year 34 pupils and students from 7 educational institutions of Syktyvkar, Ezhva and Ukhta took part in the Olympiad.



“Own game” about the life and creative work of P. Sorokin for students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College

On March 30, the methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Alina Amosova held an intellectual quiz game “Own game. Pitirim Sorokin” for students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College which was the end of a series of lectures about our outstanding countryman, a world-famous sociologist.


What other facts did the students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College learn about P. Sorokin

On March 29, the leading methodist of the Center ‘Nasledie” Ekaterina Maiorova continued a series of lectures about our countryman, the outstanding sociologist P. Sorokin for students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College. This time the students examined in more detail the topic of revolution and war in the life of the scientist, and also learned what contribution the Sorokin family made to the victory over fascism.


Students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College continued their acquaintance with the famous countryman

On March 28, the deputy director of the Center “Nasledie” Evgeniya Chipsanova visited the Syktyvkar Forestry College again and held two lectures: about the life of the great sociologist during emigration and about his well-known theory of social mobility.


About the Russian period of P. Sorokin's life for students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College

On March 27, the staff of the Center “Nasledie” held two lectures for students of the Syktyvkar Forestry College, in which they talked about childhood, student years and the period of revolution in the life of the future world-famous scientist P.A. Sorokin.


Students of the Komi republican academy of state service and administration and the Syktyvkar Forest Institute discussed whether talent is a guarantee of success

On March 23, a regular meeting of the debating club at the Center “Nasledie” named after Pitirim Sorokin took place. The topic of the meeting was as follows “Is a person's talent a guarantee of success in life?”.



Students of the Syktyvkar Polytechnic College visited the fabulous “Biarmiya” of K. Zhakov and played a quiz

On March 21, the Center “Nasledie” held a lecture for students of the Syktyvkar Polytechnic College “Fabulous “Biarmiya” of K. Zhakov” and a quiz “The life and creative work of P. Sorokin and K. Zhakov”.


The release of the next issue of the journal “Nasledie”


We are pleased to announce the release of the next issue of the journal “Nasledie” no.2(21), 2022. The issue presents articles by scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, Izhevsk, Novosibirsk.



About the childhood of Pitirim Sorokin for schoolchildren of the secondary school no. 3

On February 9, the deputy director of the Center “Nasledie” E. Chipsanova visited the secondary school no.3 again. Students of the eighth and ninth graders got acquainted with a lecture about the childhood and student years of sociologist, scientist, professor P. Sorokin.



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