Students of the Syktyvkar Сollege of Commerce and Economics learned about the outstanding sociologist

On December 2, the leading methodist of the Center “Nasledie” E. Maiorova told the students of the college about the eminent scientist, our countryman P.A. Sorokin.


Happy anniversary!


The staff of the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin congratulates V.M. Terebikhin on his 75th anniversary!



About the life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin for students of the Syktyvkar State University

On December 1, the deputy director of the Center “Nasledie” Evgeniya Chipsanova held a lecture for students of the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin on the topic: “Pitirim A. Sorokin is an outstanding sociologist of the XXth century”.



Students of the Syktyvkar Forest Institute and the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin fought in the dispute

On November 24, 2022, a regular meeting of the debating club at the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin took place. The topic was “Who brings up patriotism: the state or civil society?”


The regional olympiad for schoolchildren of the Knyazhpogostsky district

On November 21, the regional olympiad for schoolchildren “The life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin” was held on the basis of the House of Children's Creativity in Emva.



Own game “Pitirim Sorokin” for students of the secondary school no.1

On November 18, the methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Alina Amosova held an intellectual quiz game for students of the ninth grade of the secondary school no.1.


The journey of ninth graders to the fabulous “Biarmiya” of K. Zhakov

On November 17, the leading methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Ekaterina Maiorova told the students of the secondary school no.1 about the charming poem by K. Zhakov “Biarmiya”.


Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the heroes of fairy tales by K. Zhakov

On November 15, the Center “Nasledie” visited the secondary school no. 9 and held six lectures, where they told students of the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades about some of the heroes of fairy tales of the famous countryman, writer K. Zhakov.


Students learned about the famous theory of P. Sorokin

On November 11, the leading methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Ekaterina Maiorova visited the secondary school no.1 again. The ninth graders continued their acquaintance with Pitirim Sorokin – this time they studied one of the most famous theories – the theory of social mobility.


About the famous countryman K. Zhakov for nine-graders

On November 10, the methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Alina Amosova held a lecture for the 9th grade of the secondary school no. 1 about the life and creative work of the famous ethnographer and writer K. Zhakov.


The Center “Nasledie” at the ethnoforum “We are Russians”

On October 27-28, the annual republican ethnoforum “We are Russians” was held, timed to the National Unity Day. The Center “Nasledie” took an active part in the event.



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