About the founder of Komi literature for students of the secondary school no. 1

On September 9, the methodist of the Center “Nasledie” Alina Amosova held a lecture for ninth graders of the secondary school no. 1 on the topic: “Ivan Kuratov: the life and creative work”.



The Center “Nasledie” took part in “Nalimov Readings”

On August 23, at the Museum of History and Culture of Syktyvdinsky District, the director of the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin O.Yu. Kuzivanova took part in the VII interregional scientific conference “Nalimov Readings”. The event was held within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Komi Republic, the 85th anniversary of the birth of Emilia Nalimova and the 165th anniversary of the birth Semyon Nalimov.




Monitoring the situation in the sphere of interethnic and interconfessional relations for 2021


The staff of the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin, commissioned by the Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Komi, carried out a sociological survey within the framework of monitoring the situation in the sphere of interethnic and interconfessional relations in the region. Based on the data of the sociological survey conducted in all municipalities of the republic, the main conflict factors and the general state of interethnic relations are described.

The results are published in the brochure “Monitoring the situation in the sphere of interethnic and interconfessional relations, identifying risks and perceived conflicts in the Komi Republic for 2021”.


The international scientific conference “Pitirim Sorokin and paradigms of global development of the XXI century” was held in Syktyvkar

On May 26-28, Syktyvkar hosted a major dedicated to the anniversary of Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin. The international scientific conference “Pitirim Sorokin and paradigms of global development of the XXI century” gathered like-minded people studying the creative work of our countryman, the world-famous sociologist Pitirim Sorokin.



Syktyvkar students discussed what wins: work for yourself or for the benefit of society?

On April 28, a regular meeting of the debating club at the Center “Nasledie” named after Pitirim Sorokin took place. The participants were students of the Humanitarian Institute of the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin and the Syktyvkar Forest Institute.



Lecture of the director of the Center “Nasledie” O.Yu. Kuzivanova in Moscow, in the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Komi

On April 22, the lecture of the director of the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin O.Yu. Kuzivanova on the topic: “P.A. Sorokin about war and peace, about the US and Russia” took place in the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Komi to the President of the Russian Federation.


The results of the Republican Olympiad “The life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin”

On April 12, the Republican Olympiad “The life and creative work of Pitirim Sorokin” took place.


Syktyvkar students discussed the conflict of generations


On March 31, a regular meeting of the debating club at the Center “Nasledie” named after Pitirim Sorokin took place. The topic was “Is the conflict between generations inevitable?”



The Center “Nasledie” held Sorokin Readings


On March 24, Sorokin Readings, traditionally timed to the birthday of the famous sociologist and our countryman Pitirim Sorokin, were held in Syktyvkar. The organizer was the Center “Nasledie” after Pitirim Sorokin. The topic was “The intellectual heritage of P.A. Sorokin (to the 100th anniversary of the publication of the “System of Sociology”.


About the revolutionary years of Pitirim Sorokin's life for students of the Pedagogical College

On March 23, the Center “Nasledie” continued a series of lectures on the biography of the famous sociologist at the Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College named after I.A. Kuratov. The topic was “Biography of Pitirim Sorokin: revolution”.


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